Hallways4 > Help & Support Center > Documentation Module > PEIMS Reports


  PEIMS Reports




The PEIMS window allows you to print any or all of the following reports from a single source. Select the reports you wish to print, enter a date range, and press the preview button to view the reports.



The student data reports provide totals and percentages for each category. The percentages are calculated based on the total number of records in the report, not within the category. The students’ status must be current at the time of the printing of the report to be included.


PEIMS Code Key

Although some PEIMS codes appear to be self-explanatory, the Code Key lists all the fields used by Hallways, with codes and their possible values.

The Code Key is in the same order as other PEIMS reports, so the user can easily use it as reference guide.


PEIMS Detail

The PEIMS detail report is a strictly numerical listing of all the PEIMS data entered by the user. The data is not totaled, although a total number of students is provided at the end of the report.

In order to verify that all PEIMS data has been entered, it’s suggested that the user preview or print the PEIMS Detail report to ensure there are no blank spaces, indicating missing data.


PEIMS Enrollment Data

The PEIMS Enrollment Data report is a numerical summary of student PEIMS data for students who were active during the specified date range.

If a category total appears in red on a report, it differs from the total number of records, indicating possible missing records.


PEIMS Enrollment Data (Chart)

The Enrollment Data Chart report displays, in graph format, student PEIMS enrollment data for students who were active during the specified date range.


PEIMS Demographic Data

The Demographic Data report displays, in both numeric and graph format, student PEIMS demographic data for students who were active during the specified date range.