Hallways4 > Help & Support Center > Students Module > Student Groups


  Student Groups




One of the major additions to Hallways 4 is the ability to create and manage student groups. If you do any group counseling, or frequently have appointments with more than one student, setting up student groups will make entering appointments much easier and faster. 

Access the Groups window from the Appointments Module window or from the Students Menu.

Click to add students to group Click to view group's appointments Double-click to view group member details Click to create a new student group

To view information about any group, select the group from the list on the left. The group information will be displayed, with a list of group members on the right.


Group List Report
The Student Group List shows, for each active group: the group name, type, and purpose; the day, time, and location; number of current members, and a description of each group.

Group Members
The Group Student List contains, for the currently displayed group: name, type of group, and purpose; day, time, and location; description of the group. Group member information includes: student name & ID; the date joined, if the student is active in the group, and if not, the date the student left.

Group Sign-In Sheet
The Group Sign-In sheet can be printed from the Groups window or the Group Appointments Window. The Group Sign-in sheet contains: the group name, type of group, day and time the group meets, and active group members. A line is printed beside the name of each group member of the group to sign their name.