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Tour > Students Module > Student Evaluation

Hallways helps you evaluate student needs and focus on necessary improvement. The student evaluation measures student abilities linked directly to ASCA competencies, and identified problem areas can be added automatically to the student's counseling plan. Track student performance levels in behavior, achievement, and attendance. more >>


Student Performance

Evaluate student performance in behavior, achievement, and attendance.


Student Abilities

Student abilities correspond directly with ASCA competencies.


Full Integration

Goals can be added directly to the student's counseling plan from the evaluation.


Hallways allows you to create multiple student evaluations that help you track student improvement over time. Indicate the student's current performance level in behavior, achievement, and attendance.

The Hallways student evaluation measures student abilities linked directly to ASCA competencies, and identified problem areas can be added automatically to the student's counseling plan. Student abilities are evaluated in the following areas: Academic, Career Development, and Personal/Social. Within each area, quickly and easily evaluate the level of the student’s abilities with a point-and-click scale.


Performance Levels

Track student performance levels in behavior, achievement, and attendance.


Integrated Goals

Areas of concern can be added directly to the student counseling plan from the evaluation window.


Multiple Evaluations

Completing evaluations for students shows their progress as they participate in the counseling program.



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Hallways has over 120 reports available to help you document activities and demonstrate the success of your counseling program.  



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