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Pathways 7


Clients Module


Appointments Module

Progress Module

R.A.P.I.D. is a comprehensive, dynamic treatment planning system that integrates the psychosocial assessment, treatment plan and progress notes by utilizing a structured organization of goals, objectives, and methods. Areas of concern are noted within the client assessment and marked as potential action points. Action points are linked to specific objectives, which Pathways automatically suggests adding to the treatment plan.

Treatment Plan Wizard

Once you've completed the client assessment, run the treatment plan wizard to add goals and objectives to the client's treatment plan. Based on action points - flagged areas of the client's assessment - Pathways suggests the appropriate goals and objectives for each identified problem that you have identified.


R.A.P.I.D. provides an excellent selection of pre-written goals, objectives, and methods for each of over 45 presenting problems included in the extensive Pathways Treatment Library. Just make your point and click selections for goals, objectives, and methods - they're automatically added to the client's treatment plan.

Integrated System

R.A.P.I.D. integrates with the Pathways client history & assessment, which means that identified problem areas and issues are automatically noted in the treatment plan, eliminating the need for duplicate entry and saving time and effort.

Dynamic Updates

As objectives and methods are achieved, simply chart them in the client's progress notes. The client's treatment plan is automatically updated.


Pathways 7 is a one time purchase: no subscription needed. >>


Pathways' integrated modules work seamlessly together to help you eliminate duplicate paperwork and save time. >>


Clients Module

Client Intake



Treatment Plan


Schedule recurring appointments for any client. Click to learn more Track client billing and payments with the Billing Module. Click to learn more >>

Client Intake

The expanded client history links to the client assessment and treatment plan, so client needs and goals can be quickly identified and documented. The client history window follows the format and content of the included client history form, and allows the clinician to assess the severity of issues as related by the client. As details are completed, the clinician can indicate if psychosocial events impact or are impacted by mental health issues. If they are, Pathways will automatically trigger an Action Point. Action Points are used to suggest goals and objectives for the client's treatment plan.


Client History

The expanded client history links to the client assessment and treatment plan, so client needs and goals can be quickly identified and documented. The client history window follows the format and content of the included client history form, and allows the clinician to assess the severity of issues as related by the client. As details are completed, the clinician can indicate if psychosocial events impact or are impacted by mental health issues. If they are, Pathways will automatically trigger an Action Point. Action Points are used to suggest goals and objectives for the client's treatment plan.


Client Assessment

The expanded client history links to the client assessment and treatment plan, so client needs and goals can be quickly identified and documented. The client history window follows the format and content of the included client history form, and allows the clinician to assess the severity of issues as related by the client. As details are completed, the clinician can indicate if psychosocial events impact or are impacted by mental health issues. If they are, Pathways will automatically trigger an Action Point. Action Points are used to suggest goals and objectives for the client's treatment plan.


Treatment Plan

The expanded client history links to the client assessment and treatment plan, so client needs and goals can be quickly identified and documented. The client history window follows the format and content of the included client history form, and allows the clinician to assess the severity of issues as related by the client. As details are completed, the clinician can indicate if psychosocial events impact or are impacted by mental health issues. If they are, Pathways will automatically trigger an Action Point. Action Points are used to suggest goals and objectives for the client's treatment plan.








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