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Client Assessment: Strengths & Weaknesses

Rate the client's knowledge and attitude about the current mental health issue and treatment, and assess the client's skills and support system.

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Knowledge & Attitude

Check Yes or No to indicate the veracity of the statements. These statements will help Pathways create suggestions for the client’s treatment plan.

Client acknowledges the existence and extent of issue(s):

Client is aware of the impact of issues(s):

Client has sufficient knowledge/understanding of issue(s):

Client accepts responsibility for addressing issue:

Client understands how issue can negatively affect emotions:

Client has negative or distored beliefs regarding issue:

Client understands the impact of issue on other areas of life:

Client is willing and motivated to participate in treatment:


Skills & Support

Check Yes or No for each statement, and list client skills.

Client has skills to manage triggers:

Client is able to achieve personal goals and needs:

Client possesses stress management skills:

Client is able to identify feelings and express them accurately:

Client has strong problem-solving and coping skills:

Client's friends and peers are a positive influence:

Client has a strong, stable support system:

Client Skills: Select appropriate skills from the dropdown list. Right-click to edit available list of skills.









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